Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Holonet has been proving itself to be useful already. I heard a rumor about some soldiers decked out in TD-17A Imperator gear that tried to sneak into Kaas City through the new expansion in the western sector of the city, but they had all been wiped out by a bunch of berserk construction droids. Pretty sad bunch of soldiers. In any case, I've been trying to complete my own set of TD-17A gear -- not only is it easy to modify, unlike most cheap sets of armor, but I pride myself on not equipping myself with whatever random piece of gear I get my hands on, like most colorblind bounty hunters.

Anyway, I flew back to Dromund Kaas to see if any of the gear was still lying around somewhere. I dealt with the messed-up droids once before while on an assignment, and unsurprisingly, the place was still crawing with them. Seems like the expansion of Kaas City is on hold because of the war effort. I scanned every inch of the area, looking for any sign of gear, with no luck. That is, until Mako and I were on our way out, and I saw something weird stuck in the gears of a droid I had just blasted. Seems that there was a TD-17A Imperator belt stuck in the malfunctioning droid. Damn, I make bounty hunting look better every day.

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